The Uniform Shop is provided by the P&C Association to offer affordable uniforms to Gordon West Public School families. A range of new and second hand uniforms and accessories are available. The Uniform Shop is not run for profit, so prices are set only a fraction above wholesale cost, with the margin earned purely to cover the cost of running the shop.
The Uniform Shop is run by the Uniform Shop Manager together with the invaluable help of volunteer shop assistants. The shop is located in a small building adjacent to the Computer Block, near the teacher’s carpark.
The Uniform Shop is open every Friday during term time from 8.30am to 9.30am.
Online ordering through www.flexischools.com.au, is available 24/7 with all orders placed before 4.50pm on Thursday sent home with your child on the Friday following your order.
It is school policy that all students wear school uniform. Wearing the uniform helps our children develop a sense of belonging as well as pride in their school.
As part of the uniform policy no jewellery is to be worn to school, with the exception of wrist watches and sleepers or studs in pierced ears. We thank all parents for their support in this matter.
Summer Uniform (Term 1 & 4)
Girls Summer Uniform
- Summer Dress ++
- Socks - Plain white ankle (no low cut socks)
- Black School Shoes #
- Sloppy Joe for warmth ++
Boys Summer Uniform
- Shirt - Blue Short Sleeve
- Summer Shorts - Grey
- Socks - Ankle Grey with school stripes ++
- Black School Shoes #
- Sloppy Joe for warmth ++

Winter Uniform (Term 2 & 3)
Girls Winter Uniform
- Winter Tunic ++
- Shirt - White Long Sleeve
- Tie ++
- Winter Jumper ++
- Socks - Grey Knee-High Socks with school stripes ++ OR Dark Grey Tights
- Black School Shoes #
Boys Winter Uniform
- Shirt - Blue Long Sleeve
- Winter Shorts - Dark Grey OR Trousers - Dark Grey
- Socks - Knee High Grey with school stripes (worn with Winter Shorts) ++
- Socks - Ankle Grey with school stripes (worn with Trousers) ++
- Tie ++
- Winter Jumper ++
- Black School Shoes #
Sport Uniform (All Year)
Girls Sport Uniform
- Sport Shorts OR Skort
- Polo Shirt ++
- Socks - White Sport
- Sloppy Joe or Microfibre Jacket ++
- Sports Runners (predominately white) #
Boys Sport Uniform
- Sport Shorts
- Polo Shirt ++
- Socks - White Sport
- Sloppy Joe or Microfibre Jacket ++
- Sports Runners (predominately white)
Unisex items & Accessories
- Hat (either legionnaires or surf style) ++
The school has a "No Hat – No Play" policy
- School Backpack ++
- Library Bag ++
- Art smock
- Raincoat
# Item must be purchased elsewhere
++ Item only sold at Gordon West Uniform Shop
For the full range of products available please click on the price list at the top of the page.
Donations of uniforms are very welcome. All funds received from these items are donated to the P&C.
Conditions of Sale.
- only regulation school uniform items will be sold
- only items purchased at the Uniform Shop will be resold, other branded items will be donated to charity
- only items that are in good condition will be sold, no stains, tears, mould etc.
- items not sold within 2 years will be donated to charity
- hats, socks and hair accessories cannot be sold (due to health regulations)
- any uniforms not fit for sale will be either, retained by the school as spares, discarded or donated to charity
- items are generally priced for sale at about 50% of the price of the equivalent new item
Our uniform shop could not operate without the help of our many volunteers. Working in the uniform shop is a great way to meet other parents and get involved in our vibrant school community.
If you would like to volunteer to work in the uniform shop please contact the Uniform Shop Manager at gwpsuniformshop@gmail.com
If you have any questions about the uniform shop, please drop in on Friday mornings between 8:30 and 9:30am, or email Ozlem Dayanikli, Uniform Shop Manager at gwpsuniformshop@gmail.com.