Gordon West Public School

Learn and Advance

Telephone02 9498 4644


School Times

School begins at 9:10am

Recess 11:15 to 11:35am

Lunch 1:05 to 1:55pm

School ends at 3:10pm

The school playground is supervised by teachers from 8:45am onwards. It is therefore unwise to send to send your child to school before 8:45am unless he/she is attending an authorised school activity or the Out of School Hours Centre which is open from 7:00am. No responsibility will be accepted for students who arrive at school before 8:45am or who remain after they are dismissed in the afternoon.

Children are expected to leave the school grounds promptly after dismissal.

Late Arrivals/Early Departures

Children arriving after the bell for morning lines are to advise the office and have their arrival time recorded in School Bytes. No child is permitted to leave the school grounds during school time without the permission of their parent/guardian. All students leaving before normal school departure time are also required to register their departure with the school office.