Gordon West Public School

Learn and Advance

Telephone02 9498 4644



What is the GWPS P&C?

Gordon West Public School is highly successful due to the tremendous support and involvement of parents. The P&C provides the forum for parents, teachers and citizens to collaborate to continuously improve the school. The P&C executive and coordinators of sub-committees are elected by the parents each year. All parents are welcome and encouraged to attend the monthly P&C meetings held in the staff room at 7.30pm. Just come along, sign in and participate!


What gets discussed at P&C Meetings?

  • School improvement needs and fundraising initiatives
  • Curriculum and educational matters
  • School policies and current issues
  • Activities of P&C sub-committees
  • Key school events

Why come along to P&C Meetings?

  • Keep informed about what's going on at the school
  • Have your say in key discussions and decisions
  • Share your skills and expertise for the benefit of the school
  • Connect with other parents
  • Support your employer's corporate responsibility program

What parent volunteer opportunities are available?

In addition to specific roles on the P&C committee, there are a wide variety of opportunities for you to make a difference!

Have fun on the Fundraising and Social Committee

Organising the social events and fundraising drives which help create and bond the school's vibrant community spirit is the responsibility of the Fundraising and Social Committee, also known as FRASC.

This group meets as required (once or twice a term) and they have as much fun organising events as those who participate!

The Fundraising and Social Committee is also responsible for catering for school functions such as the teachers Lunch and K - 2 Christmas Parties and providing morning teas for visitors to our school on special occasions like the Showcase Open Day and Grandparents' Day.

Joining this committee is a great way to become part of the school community, with any degree of involvement welcomed – from bringing a new idea to a meeting to running a major event. Just come along to one of the meetings, which are advertised in the school bulletin.

Serve your kids at the Canteen

The canteen operates Monday to Friday. Parent volunteers prepare food and serve. If you can spare a day once a term, then why not put your hand up. For those working, even once or twice a year would be great. Some companies have volunteer days so ask your employer. The kids get a real buzz when mum (or dad!) is on canteen duty.

Become a Class Parent

Class Parents are an important link between the Fundraising and Social Committee, your child's teacher and the families in your year. Any parent can take on this role, whether at home or working, as it only involves a few hours a term.

Duties might range from coordinating helpers for school functions to compiling email address lists of class families. It's a great way to connect with other parents in your year and participate in your family's school.

Help out at the Uniform Shop

The uniform shop is open every Friday morning and on extra days at the start of the school year and during the Early Bird program for Kindergarten students. It is staffed by volunteers under the supervision of the Uniform Shop Coordinator.

A coordinator handles the ordering and manages stock levels, a treasurer does the banking and the books and assistants take turns to help the coordinator once a term on a Friday morning from 8:45 to 9:45am. It is a busy hour, but an easy way to contribute to the school and get to know a broad cross-section of parents and children across the school years.

President   James O'Keefe
Vice Presidents 
Treasurer Mrs Alcock
FRASC Coordinator Belinda Mark

Grants Coordinator


Please see our new P & C page on the website for more information: