Gordon West Public School

Learn and Advance

Telephone02 9498 4644


Our staff

Get to know our school staff. We're all here to help.

Our professional, university-educated teachers encourage students to develop a love of learning and a desire to succeed. They maintain the highest integrity and concern for your child’s wellbeing.

The principal is responsible for the educational leadership and management of our school. If you would like to speak to the principal, please contact us to make an appointment.

Our school administrative staff can answer inquiries or direct you to the appropriate staff member for help.

2025 Classes and Staff

Principal: Mrs Ellen Randall

Assistant Principals

Mrs Jenny Harvey (APCI)

Ms Danielle Alam (Kindergarten)

Ms Louise Underhill (Stage 1)

Mrs Lisa Corrigan & Mr Andy Lee (Stage 2)

Mr Leigh Wylie (Stage 3)

Early Stage 1 (Kindergarten)

KC: Miss Kelsey Cooper-Phillis

KT: Ms Danielle Alam/ Ms Jenny Brooks                             

Stage 1

1D: Mrs Zoe Davies

1C: Ms Lauren Chisholm (M-W) Ms Amy Parson (Thu-F)

1S: Ms Marika Stamatopoulos

1/2P: Mrs Colleen Percival

2A: Ms Louise Underhill

2F: Mrs Louise Farag/Ms Edwina Wotherspoon

Stage 2

3S: Mrs Gillian Spencer

3D: Ms Elizabeth Dwyer

3T: Mrs Trish Hirst

4B: Ms Kate Barber

4P: Mr William Pham

Stage 3

5J: Mr Philip Juppin

5T: Mrs Nikki Lawson/Mrs Lisa Corrigan

6L: Mr Andy Lee

6W: Mr Leigh Wylie

6E: Ms Grace Eather 


Mrs Jada Whiteman

Computer Teacher

Ms Diana Papic

Release from Face to Face (RFF)

Mrs Lia Fayle (Sport)

Ms Justine Park (Science)

Miss India Learmonth

Executive Release

Mrs Amy Parsons (2A)

Mrs Edwina Wotherspoon (6L & 5T)

Mrs Lisa Corrigan (6W-Th)

Support Teaching Staff

Learning & Support: Miss India Learmonth

School Counsellor: Ms Sheng Bi (Tuesday)

English as a Second Language or Dialect (EALD)

Mrs Melissa Keighran

Mrs Jane Laskaris

Ms Alison Evans

Mrs Amanda Evans

School Learning Support Officers

Mrs Jilly Anderson

Ms Kym Ewin

Mrs Margaret Khoury

Mrs Linda Maggs

Ms Raewyn Sargeant

Mrs Adele Wood

School Administration Support Staff:

School Administrative Manager & Business Manager : Mrs Mary Kirkpatrick

School Administrative Officers:

Ms Camilla Castle (M-Tu & Thu-F)

Ms Mardi Stapleton

General Assistant:

 Mr Sam Castelnuovo